
BE.Inspired. BE.Entertained. BE.Fit

Wednesday 6th May, 2020

Hello bedancers!

Our fundraiser last weekend exceeded our expectations and we have now raised a massive £2710 for NHS Charities Together. 

Like the show or any other big event, it always takes us some time after to digest what has happened- the lead up and event is always all consuming and afterwards I find it really difficult to process. However, now we have had some time to really think about it, we cannot believe how incredible the day really was!

We have seen and done so many things in our professional careers and as teachers- big productions, events all over the world and of course many shows with BE.Dance but this has to rate as one of our biggest accomplishments. 

At a time when everything seems so out of control for us and the children that we teach, as a community we came together and did something really positive for the people who are looking after our country at this strange time.

Over the years we have raised money for different charities but nowhere near the amount that we reached this time. Sure, on the scale of things this is only a drop in the ocean but the fact that our little team of teachers, the children we teach and their families all made a concerted effort to do something to say thank you means the most. We could all quite easily bunker down and self isolate in our own little bubbles but as a dance school we have rallied together, remained positive and had a really great day together.

From High School The Musical, Mary Poppins Returns and Hairspray, to Vanilla Ice, Taylor Swift, The Jam and S Club 7, it was a day of fun and feel good music. Over 40 families joined in with the lunchtime quiz (I had visions of sitting asking Amy the questions on my own!) and then similar numbers joining in the party at the end of the day. We encouraged people to get dressed up for this and it was so brilliant to see just how much of an effort everybody made. We had a riot- although in true Insta vs Reality style, both of my children had a complete meltdown during this time- thank goodness for the mute button on Zoom!

We had so many lovely comments from parents and students during the day and the chat on Zoom during the party was so brilliant. One of the most special things that we heard was “this was the best day of lockdown so far!”.

As we mentioned, we awarded a few prizes throughout the day and as soon as we are able to get out to the storage unit where we keep our dancewear, we will send them out.

The winners are….

Poster Competition

Cecilia Johnson

Quiz Winner

Valentina Drabble & Family

Most Dedicated

Mollie Atkins (she joined in every workshop!)

Star Dancers

Lexi Wardley

Murron Carpenter

Sunny & Priya Heard

Alba & Eva Mensy

Mili Roberts

Sara Diaz

Jada Orlebar- Earle

Orlagh Roberts

Congratulations to all!

Thank you for all of your support, and more importantly, thank you to the NHS and our key workers who have shown such strength and worked so hard for us all. 

BE.Dancers - BE.Proud! xxx 



Fun and Frolics at the Fundraiser!

Fun and Frolics at the Fundraiser!